Judy, you’ve had a profound effect on me. Your coaching has changed the way I eat and also the way I look at myself, I shop for food differently I don’t binge I really have control because of what you’ve taught me but know that it wasn’t just because of your knowledge in your field! you coached me when I was going through the worst period of my life and you showed me kindness that was beyond the “coaching” parameters shall we say… You were integral to my healing and you taught me lessons that I go back to every time I feel out of control, that’s amazing!! I’ve never told you this but I thank you you’ve changed an integral mechanism in me!! All because you are really special! Penny B.
My Journey with Diet Coach Judy
On May 15, 2012, I started my journey with Diet Coach Judy, or as my kids fondly refer to as DCJ. I had just turned 50 in April. There was that inner voice that just kept nagging at me. I remembered seeing my neighbor a couple of months earlier. She, although not “heavy,” had taken some weight off and was looking fabulous. She shared with me that she had hired a diet coach, DCJ and to check out her website. Not knowing what a diet coach was I checked the web but didn’t see how this would help me. Here I was working full-time, volunteering with so many events and organizations, and a wonderful husband and family with a son about to graduate high school and go to college, two daughters going to the North Woods of Wisconsin for the summer. So how could I justify the time and money? … Read More